Wazifa Ya Allahu Benefits of ZikrUllah

Benefits of Zikr Ya Allahu In Urdu & English


الله كا بركت نام

عزم اور يقين کی قوت کے لےروزانہ ایک ہزار(1000) مرتبہ پڑھے

.لا علاج مریض یا اللہ کا بکثرت ورد کر کےشفا کی دعا مانگے.انشاءاللہ شفا ہو گی


(The Greatest Name, The Name of Allah)

  • Whoever reads this name of Allah 1,000 times daily, all doubts and uncertainties will be removed from his heart, instead,determination and faith will become inborn in him. 
  • Recite this Name 40 times after Fajar(morning) prayers for 40 days to be independent from need from others.
  • Recite 66 times immediately after sunrice, or at the time of sunset, or in the late hour of the night to fulfillment of legitimate desires.
  • Make pills of flour, recite it 11000 times over them and drop them into a river or sea, all your difficulties will be made easy.
  • Allah sends blessings on that house in which ”Ya Allahu” is written and pasted or mounted on the wall.

Insha-Allahu Rahman.

Many Ulamaha (Religious scholars)have said that this could be the isme aa ‘z’ ‘am, the great name of Allah. Allah is the (proper)name of God.Allah” is cited 2607 times in the Holy Qur’an.

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