Surah Al Kahf is the18th chapter of the Holy Quran that comprises 110 verses. The Makki Surah is located in juz’15 – 16.
This Surah’s title translates to “The Cave”. Four interconnected stories from the central idea of this Surah. The Stories are about the people of the Cave, the companion of 2 gardens, Musa and Kidhar, and Dhul Qarnayn.
The characteristics of temptation (fitnah) that one must avoid in order to live a better life are highlighted by all of the instances related in Surah Kahf. The repercussions and the most effective method of handling Fitnah are also highlighted in this Surah.
It is stated in Surah Al Kahf that:
“So whoever wishes for the meeting with his Lord Let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of His Lord.””(Surah Al-Kahf:110)