Surah Al Anfal is the 8th chapter of the Holy Quran. The meaning of tital is “The Spoils Of War”. It was revealed in Madinah. It has 75 verses and 10 rukus. Surah Al Anfal is located in juz’9 and 10.
The moral lesson of this Surah is the conflict between truth and falsehood. This Surah started with a review of the battle of Badr (the first battle between Islam and Kufr) and that the victory was only because Allah helps Muslims.
All the rules and regulations of war and the dividing of war spoils are mentioned in this Surah.
7 rewards and Benefits for Surah Al Anfal
Many worldly and other-worldly rewards and benefits have been cited in narration for the one who recites Surah Al Anfal with a pure intention, tries to understand the meaning of the verses and acts upon the teachings provided.