Durood Ibrahim - Darood Ibrahim In English

What is Durood e Ibrahimi:

A Durood is a kind of prayer and blessing that we sent to our Holy Prophet(S.A.W).In the Quran Allah says that he and his angels sent the Durood to his Prophet(S.A.W) and order us to recite/sent Durood to our Holy Prophet(S.A.W).Durood Ibrahim is one of the most recited Durood, as it is also recited in the Prayers after the Attahiyaat. In this beautiful Durood, we pray to Allah to send Peace and Blessings upon Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) and his Family. 

Virtues of Darood Ibrahimi:

”Indeed on the Day of Judgement, The one who reads more Durood upon me will be more closer to me.”(Tirmidhi)

”Whoever recites Durood upon me Once, Allah grant him ten(10) blessings, Forgive his ten(10) sins, And Raises his Level.”(Nisaai-Sharif) 

Durood Ibrahim In Arabic:

اللّٰہُمٓ صٓلٌِ عٓلٰی مُحَمَّدِِ وٌٓ عٓلٰٗی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدِِ کٓمٓا صٓلٌٓیْتٓ عٓلٰٗی اِبًرَھِیًمٓ وٓ عٓلٰٗی اٰلِ اِبًرٓھِیًمٓ اِنٓکٓ حٓمِیًدٌ مٓجِیًدٌ 

اللّھُمٓ بٓارِکٌ عٓلٰی مُحَمَّدِِ وٌٓ عٓلٰٗی اٰلِ مُحَمَّدِِ کٓمٓا بٓرٓکٔتٓ عٓلٰی اِبًرٓھِیًمٓ وٓ عٓلٰٗی اٰلِ اِبًرٓھِیًمٓ اِنٓکٓ حٓمِیًدٌ مٓجِیًدٌ

Durood Ibrahim In Urdu

اے ہمارے اللّٰہ! محمد اور آلِ محمد پر رحمت بھیج۔جس طرح تو نے ابراھیم اور آلِ ابراھیم پر رحمت بھیجی تھی۔

بے شک تو تعریف کیا گیا پاک ہے۔
اے ہمارے اللّٰہ! محمد اور آلِ محمد پر برکتیں بھیج۔جس طرح تو نے ابراھیم اور آلِ ابراھیم پر برکتیں بھیجی تھیں ۔

بے شک تو تعریف کیا گیا پاک ہے۔

Durood-E- Ibrahim In Roman English:

”Allahumma Salle Alaa Muhammadinw Wa’Alaa Aali Muhammadin Kama Sallaeta ‘Alaa Ibraheema Wa’ Alaa Aali Ibraheema Innaka Hameedum Majeed.”

”Allahumma Baarik ‘Alaa Muhammadinw Wa ‘Alaa Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Baarakta ‘Alaa Ibraheema Wa ‘Alaa Aali Ibraheema Innaka Hameedum Majeed.”

Durood E Ibrahim In English:

”O Allah, bestow Your favor on Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) and to the family of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) as You have bestowed Your favor on Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) and on the family of Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) Indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Most Glorious.”

”O Allah, bless the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) and the family of Muhammad(S.A.W) as you blessed Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) and the family of Prophet Ibrahim(A.S) Indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Most Glorious.”

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