لاَ إلہَ إِ لاٌَ اللٌَہُ
لاَ إلہَ إِ لاٌَ اللٌَہُ
‘ La ilaha illallah ‘
Recite it as many times as possible to obtain the benefits mentioned in the following traditions.
The Holy Prophet said:
” Allah revealed to Prophet Musa that all the heavens and the earth with whatever is in them, if put into one plate of the (divine) scales, will be outweighed by ‘La ilaha illallah’in the other.
At the time of death say again and again ‘La ilaha illallah’ to wash away the sins.
‘La ilaha illallah’ is the heart and soul of a believer’s life in this world, a companion in the hour of death and a helping friend at the time of resurrection on the day of judgement.
Gibrail gave me the message of Allah that 2 groups of people on the day of the resurrection, will come up from the grave, one, with smiling faces, ‘La ilaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar‘ on their lips; with disgraced faces, crying in the despair”
Imam Ali ibne Talib said: “the word ‘La ilaha illallah’ moves upwards, as soon as they come out from the mouth of a Muslim and clearing away all the sins they may contact with settle down with the good deeds”.

3 Benefits of Saying La Illaha Illallah
2.Acceptance of Dua.
3.Freedom from Hell.