
(The Perfection and Giver of Peace)
The word ”AS-SALAM” apears 42 times in Quran as a nominal form.
The triliteral root sin-lam-meem which apears 140 times in the Quran in 16 derived forms.Example of these form are asalam(”submits’‘) salaamun (”peace”) saleemin (”sound”) , al-islaami (”islam”) and al-muslimeen(”The Muslims”).
The Islamic greating ”AS-SALAMU ALIKUM” means Allah Almighty is your guardian and caretaker”. It is Sunnah to greet with ”AS-SALAM-u-ALIKUM” and respondingto it is Wajib(obligatory).
- The sick wil regai his health if this is recited to him 160 times.
It also keeps the frequent reciter safe from all types of tribulations.
2.If one recite ”YA-SALAMU” 1000 time daily after Fajar prayer, will be healthy when dying. At the time of death he will be safe from blindness or handicap.
3.For a serious patient for whome Doctor has no treatment, Do fresh Ghusal, then wear white dress, Before and After recite Darood Ibrahim 3 times.
Bismillaahir Rehmaanir Raheem.
3000 times, again recite same Durood Ibrahim 3 times, then blow on the patient also blow on water and medicine and make patient drink and it.
Do this 3, 5 or 7 days. Inshaa-Allah patient will be fine.
”YA-SALAMU” Wazifa is the best wazifa for any type of patient.