AR-RAZZAAQ Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(سب کو روزی دنیے والا)

نماز فجر سے پہلے جو شخص اپنے مکان کے چاروں کونوں میں دس (10) دس )(10)مرتبہ یہ اسم پڑھ کر دم کرے گا.اس گھر میں بیماری مفلسی نہ آئے گی.منہ قبلہ کی طرف کر کے دائیں کونے سے شروع کرے۔



(”The Total Provider”)

Word Al-Razzaq(اَلْرَّزَّاقُ ) is mentioned only once in the Holy Quran. Chapter Adh-Dhariyat verse 58. For Allah is He Who gives (all) sustenance,-Lord of Power,- Steadfast (for ever).

Benefits of Reading Ya-Razzaq:

  1. Anyone who blows in all four corners of his house after saying ya Razaqu 10 times in each corner before Fajr, Allah will open him his door of rizq(Sustenance). Sickness and poverty will never enter in his home.(Note: Begin from the right hand corner while facing Qibla).
  2. If a person who truly believes that over sustenance comes from Allah find that his household is in need, he may, after morning prayer, recite Ya Razzaq 10 times at the four corners of his house, starting from the corner in the direction of the Qiblah. Allah main increase the sustainance of his family.
  3. People who have this name written out and hanging in there workplace may be more successful.
  4. To recite Ya Razzaqu 100 times after Friday communal prayers may help people who are stressed and depressed.

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