AR-RAAFI’ Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(بلند کرنے والا)

جو شخص ہر ماہ کی چودھویں شب آدھی رات کے وقت ایک سو(100) مرتبہ یہ اسم پڑھے تو اللہ تعالیٰ اسے مخلوق سے بے نیازو مستغنی کر دیں گے۔

ستر (70) بار پڑھنے سے ظالموں سے امن میں ہو



(”The Uplifter, Exalter, The Elevator”)

The Name of ALLAH ”AR-RAAFI’‘ is not explicitly mentioned in this exact form in the Quran. However, the root word ‘‘rafaa” (which means to raise, elevate, or exalt) is used in various places in different forms.

For example:

  • Surah Al-Mujadila (58:11)
  • Surah Aal-e-Imran (3:55)

The attributes of Allah like AR-RAAFI’ are understood from both the direct names and the actions described in the Qur’an.

Benefits of Zikr AR-RAAFI’

YA-RAAFI: any person says this ism ”YA-RAAFIU” hundred(100) times in the middle of the 14th night of every lunar month, Allah will grant himself sufficiency and independence of the entire creation.

Be at peace with the oppressors by reading seventy (70) times.
He who repeates this name hundred (100) times, day and night, Allah will elevate him higher as for as honor, richness and merit are concerned.

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