(سب کو عطا کرنے والا)فقروفاقہ میں گرفتار شخص یا وھاب کا بکثرت ورد کر لے ۔یا جاشت کی نماز کے بعد آخری سجدہ میں چالیس (40)مرتبہ پڑھے تو انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ فقروفاقہ سے نجات مل جائے گی.
اگر کوئی خاص حاجت در پیش ہو تو گھر یا مسجد یا صحن میں تین بار(3) سجدہ کر کے ہاتھ اٹھائے اور ایک سو (100)بار پڑھے انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ حاجت ضرور پوری ہو گی

(”The Supreme Bestower, The Giver of Gifts”)
Allah calls Himself ”Al Wahhaab” the giver of gifts.
The most Liberal Bestowor – 3 times in the Quran
He is the all-Giver who Bestowos gifts, favors, and blessings upon the whole creation.
”Al Wahhaab’‘ gives gifts constantly, generously, endlessly, and without expecting anything in return!
If you have any problems or wish or hajjat which you want to fulfill in 7 days. You can do this Wazifa ‘‘Ya Wahhaabu”.
Many people did this Amal for their problems and problems are solved with in days. In life sometimes we face such a critical situation. Where we think that this is impossible to solve it. Like if you stuck in a court case and seeing that everything is against you. You have no way to get rid of it.
If you have any problem or wish or hajjat which you want to fulfill in 7 days. You can do this wazifa
Ya Wahabu Wazifa to become Riches & Wealthy.
If you want to become Rich & Wealthy forever then do the Zikrullah of Ya Wahabu amal 1414 times after fajr salat and night before sleeping.
Continue to do this daily until your wish comes true. By grace of Almighty Allah, you see how things start getting better and better everyday.