(سب کو قابو کرنے والا)
یا قھار بکثرت ورد کرنے والے کے دل سے دنیا کی محبت ختم ہو کر اللہ تعالیٰ کی محبت پیدا ہو گی۔

(”The Dominant,The Subduer”)
Allah calls Himself AL-QAHHAAR – The Subduer, The Ever-Dominanting – six times in the Quran.He is the One who prevails over all and to whom all creatures surrender. AL-QAHHAAR Dominate the whole universe. He is a victorious over any opposition, and His will is irresistable.
- If you have financial problems, then do the Zikrullah of Ya Qahhaar 1100 times at night before going to bad, and see the blessing of Allah, You will get money from sources, which was never in your mind.
- ”YA QAHHARU” helped in getting rid of evil demons. Recite 1100 times twice a day with 7 times Durood Shareef before and afterwards to get rid of evil demons.
- To remove the evil effects of black magic(کالا جادو) recite ”YA QAHHARU” 1100 times after every Namaz.
- Recite YA QAHHARU 1100times twice a day to get rid of domestic problems.
- Recite YA QAHHARU 100 TIMES after fajar prayer to overcome your enemy.
- If you do this Wazifa of YA QAHHAR frequently, to gain inner peace and be freed from being wronged by another.