(روزی تنگ کرنے والا)
روٹی کے چار لقموں پر لکھ کر چالیس (40) دن متواتر کھانے والا انشاءاللہ بھوک پیاس زخم درد وغیرہ کی تکلیف سے محفوظ رہے گا

(”The One Who Seizes, The Withholder”)
Note, The Name ”AL-QAABIDH”, there is no explicit mention in the Quran.
Benefits of Zikr Ya- Qaabidu Often:
1. You stay a Distance from sins.
2. You will under Protection against hunger, demons, magic and curses.
3. ”Ya-Qaabidu” Zikr will help you, avoid punishment of grave.
4. This powerful ”Ya-Qaabidu” Zikr, increase in sustenance.
5. Will not feel uncomfortable due to wound, sickness or pain.
6.Best zikr to rid from vices or bad habits.
7. It is one of the ism Al-Azam that Bestowos wondrous effects and limitless and merits.
If this name is written on four pieces of, food such as chappati etc and eaten for 40 days, Allah will protect the household from poverty, hunger, thirst etc.