AL-MUTAKABBIR Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(بڑائی اور بزرگی والا)

اگر کوئی شخص کسی کام کی ابتداء میں یہ اسم بکثرت پڑھے تو انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ کامیابی حاصل ہو۔بکثرت ورد رکھنے والے کواللہ تعالیٰ عزت اور بڑائی عطا فرمائیں گے۔


(The Supreme, The Majestic)

The word ”AL-MUTAKABBIR” is mentioned in the Quran:

Once: As a name of ALLAH meaning, ”The Supreme”

The root word ”kaaf-baa-raa” apears in the Quran 161 times in 18 different forms, including, ”al-mutakabbir” . The Root word has three main meaning;

  • To be great in size, rank or dignity.
  • To be great in age and in learning.
  • To have rights, privileges, and attributes that other don’t have.


  1. Recite this name frequently will be granted status and respect.
  2. If he repeats this name frequently at the commencement of every act, He will achieve success by the grace of Allah.
  3. If such a person recites ”Ya Mutakabbir” 10 times before making love to his wife, they may have a righteous child

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