اَلْبَارِئُ – اَلْمُصَوِّرُ
(جان ڈالنے والا – صورت دینے والا)
بانجھ عورت اگر سات روزے رکھے اور پانی سے افطار کر کے اکیس(21) مرتبہ الباری المصور پڑھے تو انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ اولاد نصیب ہو گئ

(”The Fashioner, The Flawless Shaper”)
Allah call Himself ”AL-MUSAWWIR” – The Fashioner The Bestower of Forms – on One Ocassion in the Quran. He is the One who Forms & shapes all that exists.
This root apears 19 times in the Quran in 5 derived forms. Examples of these forms are wasawwarakum (”and He formed you”), as-soori (”the trumpet”), and sooratin (”form”).
If a woman who desires to give a birth, but cannot, fasts seven days, and each day at the breaking of the fast (iftaar) she repeats these three Names twenty-one(21) times, breathes into a glass of water, Allah will bless her with a child.