(ایمان و امن بخشنےوالا)
کسی خوف کے وقت چھ سو تیس مرتبہ( 630)پڑھنے سے انشاءاللہ نقصان سے محفوظ رہے۔
اس کا پڑھنے والا یا اس اسم کو لکھ کر اپنے پاس رکھنے والا اللہ کی امان میں رہے گا

(”The One Who Gives Emaan And Security”)
The word ”AL-MU’MIN” apear 202 times in the ”Quran” as a form of IV Active participle . The root of the word apears 879 times in the Quran in 17 differents forms.
The ”Quran” also include the chapters ”AL-MU’minun’‘, which means the ”Believers”. It is the 23rd chapter of ‘‘QURAN” and has 118 verses.
- Write this name on a blank paper 1000 times. The fold it as taweez and wear in neck or tie on right arm. It will safe you from all Evils and Shaitans. Enemies can not harm.
- Recite daily 1000 times ”Ya Momino” Wazifa for life time. All people will respect you and follow what ever you will say.
- If a wife has some issues with her husband or husband is not good. She should recite this 1000 times daily, Insha Allah soon husband will stsrt respecting and loving. Same Wazifa Husband continue for her wife.
- Neighbors are not good and always fight or create problem. Recite this wazifa 1000 times and blow on them they will be unable to harm you or will leave the place.
- If your business partners cheat you or use bad words behind you. Recite ”YA-MOMINO’‘ Wazifa 1000 time Insha Allah your partners will not cheat you and do not use bad words behind you.