اَلْخَا لِقُ
(پیدا کرنے والا)سات روز متواتر ایک سو (100)مرتبہ یا خالق پڑھنے والا انشاءاللہ تمام آفتوں سے بچ جائے گا۔
اس اسم کا ہمیشہ ورد رکھنے والے کا چہرہ منور رہیتا ہے

(The Creator, The Maker)
The Name Al-Khaaliq is mentioned in the Quran 11 times.
AL-KHAALIQ is one of the name of Allah(God) in Islam and means ”The Creator”.
It refers to Allah’s ability to creat everything from nothing.
- Recite this name 100 times for seven days without break, Allah will creat an angel whose duty will be to act righteously for this person until the Day of Judgement. The reward for angel’s actions will be given to that person.
- YA-KHALIQ Wazifa for Pregnancy Survive: If the pregnancy of a woman can not survive for the whole time she loses it then if she recites Ya Khaliqu Ya Khaliq for 7000 times in a day after the Esha prayer and also reciets Darood ibrahim for 21 times before and 21 time after and blow on the glass of water and drink it, do this process for 7 days. Allah will bless her and her pregnancy will stay till end and she will bless by ALLAH with a baby.
- Recite this Name 742 times for 7 days will be protected from the evils. He who recites this name often, his face will become illuminated.