AL-KHAAFIDH Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(پست کرنے والا)

جو شخص روزانہ پانچ سو (500) مرتبہ یہ اسم پڑھے گا اللہ تعالیٰ اس کی مرادیں پوری اور مشکلات دور فرمائیں گے۔
جوشخص تین روزے رکھے اور چوتھے دن الگ جگہ بیٹھ کر ستر(70) مرتبہ یہ اسم پڑھے تو انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ دشمن پر فتح یاب ہو گا۔



(”The Reducer, The Abaser”)

Different scholars have different criteria for what qualifies as a name of Allah. Of the 99 names, 81 are explicitly mentioned in the Quran. Therefore, there is not agreed upon list for the remaining 18 names.Al- KHaafid” is one of those name which has been excluded by some scholars. This includes Ibn Uthaymeen, Ibn Ham, and Ibn Hajar, among others. However, ”AL-KHAFID” is commonly recognised as an official name in most books of Asma ul Husna.

Benefits of Zikr AL-KHAFID

1.Anyone who say ‘‘YA-KHAFID” 500 times, Allah will fullfil all his need and remove all his difficulties.
2. One who fasts for 3 days and on the fourth day says this Beautiful name 

”YA-KHAFID” 70 times while sitting in seclusion, will gain victory over his enemy-

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