(سب سے زبردست)
جو شخص چاندی کی انگوٹھی پر یہ اسم نقش کروا کر پہنے .اس کی ہیت و شوکت لوگوں پر ہو گی۔
جو شخص روزانہ صحبح و شام دو سوچھبیس (226)مرتبہ اس اسم کا ورد رکھےانشاءاللہ تعالیٰ ظالموں کے کہر سے بچا رہے
(The Compeller, The Restorer)
The word ”JABBAR” apears in the Quran 10 times, but is only used once for Allah azza wa jall. Nine time ”JABBAR” refers to the people oppressing others and only ALLAH is AL-JABBAR in a positive sense.
He who repeats this Name will not be compelled to do anything against his wishes, and will not be exposed to violence, severity or hardness.
Wazifa Dua for Conceiving Baby Boy
- It would be better if husband performs this wazifa. If there is any legible except the business then his wife can performs this wazifa;
- There is no fix or special time and day, therefor, any time on any day a husband can perform this wazifa ;
- If you are not in ablution then perform an ablution;
- Recite ‘Bismillah hir Ra’hmaan nirRa’heem’ once;
- Then recite this lovely name of ALLAH Ta’ala (‘Ya Jabbaru’) 3000 times;
- Then after reciting a blow on three cleansed almonds;
- Let the wife eat one almond;
- The husband should eat the remaining two almonds;
- Then, have an intimate relationship with your wife;
- Just do the exact process for 11 days continuously without any pause or break;
- InshaALLAH Azzawajall the parents will be rewarded with a pious baby boy soon, Ameeeeeen;
- Every year offer a sacrifice(feast) of one he-goat on the Name of ALLAH Ta’ala and make any dish of it and let it be eaten by all (not non-muslims).