AL-HAKAM Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(حاکم مطلق)

آخر شب میں باوضو ہو کر ننانوے (99) مرتبہ پڑھنے والے کا دل انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ اس کاقلب کشف والہام کا مرکز ہو جائے گا


(”The judge, The Giver of Justice”)

Allah’s name ”Al-Hakam” – The Judge, The Giver of Justice, The Arbitrator – occurs on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One Who always delivers justice, in every situation, to everyone.

Hakam comes from the root haa-kaaf-meem,(ح-ک-م) which refers to the attribute of judging, being wise, passing a verdict, and preventing or restraining people from wrongdoing. This root appears 210 times in the Quran in 13 derived forms.

Benefits of Zikr AL-HAKAM

Secrets will be revealed to the person who recites this name frequently at night.

Common practices suggest reciting ”AL-HAKAM’‘ either 100 times or a multiple of

 33 times as part of daily Zikr.

Ultimately, the focus should be on reciting with sincerity, understanding, & mindfulness, asking for Allah’s guidance & justice in your life. You can also seek advice from a trusted scholar or spiritual mentor for personalized recommendations.

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