(مشکل کشاء)نماز فجر کے بعد سینہ پر ہاتھ باندھ کر ستر (70)مرتبہ یہ اسم پڑھنے سے دل ایمان کے نور سے منور ہو جاتا ہے۔

(”The Supereme Solver”)
Allah call Himself Al-Fattaah – The Opener, The Revealer – on one occasion in the Quran. He is the One Who opens all doors of blessing for His slaves. Al-Fattaah judges what shall be opened from opening hearts, clarifying vision and opening doors to sustainance to conquering cities and revealing knowledge!
Benefits of Ya-Fattahu:
- If a person doing regularly this Ya Fattahu Wazifa, His heart will be open, and he will be given victory.
- Four people who sincerely wish to cleanse their hearts from imagination, mischief, egoism, anger, and other dirt, start doing this Zikrullah.
- The one who recites Ya Fattahu 500 times with the hands on the chest after Fajr prayer, Insha-Allah his heart will be illuminated with the divine light (Noor) of Imaan.