AL-BAASIT Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(روزی فراخ کرنے والا)

جاشت کی نماز پڑھنے کے بعد آسمان کی طرف ہاتھ اٹھا کر روزانہ دس (10)مرتبہ اسم پڑھ کر منہ پر ہاتھ پھیر لے تو انشاءاللہ ایسا شخص کسی کا محتاج نہ ہو گا


(”The Extender”) 

”Al-BAASIT” (The Extender) Allah is AL-BAASIT, The One amplifies all abundance, who makes the way wide open. He gives plentiful to whoever he wills and reaches out a helping hand to all mankind. Allah gives provision and mercy as he wishes.

Benefits of Zikr Ya-Baasit

1. Lift the head towards the heavens (as in Dua) after salatu Dua (Chast) and say YA Basitu” 10 times. There after pass the hands across the face (as when finishing Dua) insha-Allah, self sufficiency and independence will be Granted by Allah. This must be done daily.

2. After every pray/namaz, Do the Zikr of “Ya-Baasit” 83 times this will solve the difficulties by Allah’s will.

3. Whoever makes a habit of reciting this name ya basitu often receives piece of heart, is rid of stresses and problems, find increased income, is loved and respected, and is enable to give happiness to other.
4. Whoever does the Zikr ”YA Basit” 300 times or more, with his palms raised towards the sky and then wipes his face with his hands. By Grace of Allah, many doors of wealth will be opened.

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