اَلْبَارِئُ – اَلْمُصَوِّرُ
(جان ڈالنے والا – صورت دینے والا)
بانجھ عورت اگر سات روزے رکھے اور پانی سے افطار کر کے اکیس(21) مرتبہ الباری المصور پڑھے تو انشاءاللہ تعالیٰ اولاد نصیب ہو گئ۔

(The Evolver, The Originator)
Allah call himself AL-BAARI’ – The Originator, The Evolver, The Maker– on three Occasions in the Quran . He is the One’s who creates from out of nothing. AL-BAARI‘ creates with no model or similarity and Evolves that which is in perfect proportion and harmony without any fault.
- If woman who have no baby. She do 7 days fast and after open fast she read 21 Times ‘‘YA BARIY, YA MUSAWERU”. She will get a baby.
- If some one are in any disease Or any difficult situation. Get cure is difficult and run out of all problems in impossible. These peoples should they read ”YA BARIU JALA JLAAL” 1000 times for 7 days and pray for your purpose. With in seven days you get a cure and run out all difficulties.