(سب پر غالب)چالیس دن تک چالیس مرتبہ (40)جو شخص یہ اسم پڑھے.اللہ تعالیٰ اسے معزز و مستعنی بنا دیں گے۔
جو شخص نماز فجر کے بعد یہ اسم اکتالیس (41)مرتبہ پڑھتا رہے وہ انشاءاللہ کسی کا محتاج نہ ہو گا۔

(The All Mighty)
The Name AL-AZEEZ apears in the Quran 92 times, making it one of the most common name of Allah. AL-AZEEZ means ”The Almighty” and ”The Strong”. It is also described as:
- The in comparable source of all strength & might.
- The One Who Overcome everything
- The Noble One
- The Invincible
- Rare and unattainable
- Recite this name YA-AZIZU 41 times after each Faraz prayer will be independent of need from other and gain honour after disgrace.
- If you want that people should respect you where you go then do the following. Take some olive oil and read ”YA-AZIZU” 100,000 times. then do a dam (Blow) on the oil. Every day rub a little bit of that oil on your face. Everyone who will see you will respect you immensely. You can read it in any time period.
- The oil will only work for the reader and not for other people. Important conditions is that you do not do Gunah/ Sins willingly and have correct Sunni beliefs. IF you do not do either then the Wazifa will not work.
- Whoever does the Zikrullah of YA-AZIZU 40 times for 40 days, preferably after the dawn prayer,
you will granted wealty & Honour by ALLAH, and you will be free from Envy.