AL-‘AZEEM Wazifa Benefits In English & Urdu


(بہت ہی بزرگ)

اس اسم کا بکثرت ورد کرنے والے کو انشاءاللہ تعالی عزت و عظمت حاصل ہوگی۔


(”The Magnificent, The Supreme”)

The name ”Al-‘AZEEM” appears in the Quran 11 times. It is one of Allah’s names and translate to “The Magnificent” “The Supreme Glory”, “The Greatest” and more.

‘Azeem come from the roots ayn-za-meem(ع۔ظ۔م) which points to 4 main meanings. the first is to be great, large, vast, huge, and enormous and also to be great in rank. The second main meaning is to be imposing, powerful, superior, and honoured & the third and fourth is to be above any imperfection.This root appear 128 times in the Quran in 5 derived forms. Examples of these forms are yu’adhim(honour), adheemun (great), and ‘idhaaman(bones).

Benefits of Zikr AL-AZEEM

  1. Overcoming major hardships or calamities: For example, dealing with overwhelming debt, a serious illness, or an unsolvable problem.
  2.  Facing obstacles or distress: When you are facing emotional, fainancial, or spiritual challenges that seem impossible to overcome on your own.
  3. Seeking blessing & success in difficult task: If you are stsrting a new endeavor & want Allah’s blessing for being success and ease.

The recommended number of recitations varies, but common practices include:

  • 100 times daily with sincerity and focus.
  • 313 times for more intense needs or after Fajar or Isha prayers.
  • Daily recitation  after each of the five prayers to bring regular blessing & ease to ongoing challenges.

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