AS-SALAM Wazifa Benefits in English & Urdu


(بے عیب ذات)

اس اسم کا بکثرت ورد کرنے والا انشاءاللہ تمام آفتوں سے محفوظ ریے گا۔ایک سو پندرہ(115) مرتبہ اس اسم کو پڑھ کر بیمار پر دم کریں.اللہ تعالی صحت عطا فرمائیں گے.



(The Perfection and Giver of Peace)

The word  ”AS-SALAM” apears 42 times in Quran as a nominal form.

The triliteral root sin-lam-meem which apears 140 times in the Quran in 16 derived forms.Example of these form are asalam(”submits’‘) salaamun (”peace”) saleemin (”sound”) , al-islaami (”islam”) and al-muslimeen(”The Muslims”).

The Islamic greating ”AS-SALAMU ALIKUM” means Allah Almighty is your guardian and caretaker”. It is Sunnah to greet with ”AS-SALAM-u-ALIKUM” and respondingto it is Wajib(obligatory).


  1. The sick wil regai his health if this is recited to him 160 times.

 It also keeps the frequent reciter safe from all types of tribulations.

2.If one recite ”YA-SALAMU” 1000 time daily after Fajar prayer, will be healthy when dying. At the time of death he will be safe from blindness or handicap.

3.For a serious patient for whome Doctor has no treatment, Do fresh Ghusal, then wear white dress, Before and After recite Darood Ibrahim 3 times. 

Bismillaahir Rehmaanir Raheem.

3000 times
, again recite same Durood Ibrahim 3 times, then blow on the patient also blow on water and medicine and make patient drink and it.
Do this 3, 5 or 7 days. Inshaa-Allah patient will be fine.
”YA-SALAMU” Wazifa is the best wazifa  for any type of patient.

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